Chakras are energy centers within the body, each representing specific physical, emotional, and spiritual functions. Rooted in ancient traditions, there are seven primary chakras aligned along the spine, from the grounding Root Chakra to the intuitive Crown Chakra.


In today’s fast-paced world, balancing our chakras is crucial for maintaining well-being. Aligned chakras promote vitality, mental clarity, and inner peace, while imbalances can lead to stress and physical ailments. At Chakra Spot, we emphasize the transformative power of chakra balancing as an essential aspect of self-care. Our products, including specially crafted candles infused with essential oils, support your journey toward equilibrium.

Finding Balance in Modern Life

Prioritizing chakra alignment fosters mindfulness and helps reconnect you with your inner self. Explore the power of chakras with Chakra Spot and embrace a holistic lifestyle that enhances your well-being and promotes harmony in your life.


  • The Overactive State – When it spins at a higher rate chakra is said to be in overactive states. 

  • The Balanced State – When it spins at the normal rate 

  • The Underactive State – When it spins slower than usual rate, chakra becomes underactive.

In overactive and underactive state, there is a faulty flow of energy through the chakra, called Imbalanced or Blocked chakra.

Working with chakra energy highlights how deeply interconnected we are with everything around us.  When our chakras are not functioning correctly the communication between them becomes blocked. These blockages can translate to the blockages we experience in our outer world. 

To unblock chakras and restore balance, there are several chakra healing and cleansing techniques from a broad range of fields from energy healing. 

Using essential oils are believed to be one of these practices as specific essential oils are associated with different chakras.

Chakra Spot - Chakra Stones


Beej translates to “a seed”. They are one syllable sounds that are meant to activate and balance the Chakras. There are seven main chakras situated along the spine, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. 

  • Crown Chakra – “OM”

  • Third Eye Chakra – “SHAM”

  • Throat Chakra – “HAM”

  • Heart Chakra – “YAM”

  • Solar Plexus Chakra – “RAM”

  • Sacral Chakra – “VAM”

  • Root Chakra – “LAM”

Chakra Spot - Chakra Alignment


There are seven main chakras situated along the spine, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.

  1. Crown Chakra
  2. Third Eye Chakra
  3. Throat Chakra
  4. Heart Chakra
  5. Solar Plexus Chakra
  6. Sacral Chakra
  7. Root Chakra


The Crown Chakra is the gateway to our higher consciousness and connection with a spiritual realm. It is not located in the body but hovers above the crown of the head. When it’s blocked it can cause brain fog, sleep disturbances and one feels disconnected from others.

Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara

Associated Color: Purple

Crown Chakra

Element: Thought

Seed Sound: “Om”

Affirmation: The Universe Supports Me

Additional Affirmations: Everything is connected, I stand in my personal power, I am grateful and abundant

Yoga pose to balance Crown Chakra: Corpse pose

How to unblock Crown Chakra?

Live in gratitude. Practice Mindfulness. Lay down on yoga mat concentrate on your Crown Chakra and meditate with Seed Sound “Om” for 5 minutes

Essential oils associated with Crown Chakra: Frankincense, Lavender, Cedar and Patchouli.


The third eye chakra is associated with your intuition, what you call your sixth sense. This chakra is said to be in the center of your head, parallel to the middle of your eyebrows. An unbalanced third eye chakra may lead to lack of clarity in focus and your thoughts and headaches, migraines, or blurry vision. 

Sanskrit Name Ajna

Color: Indigo  

Third Eye Chakra

Element: Light

Seed Sound “Sham”

Yoga Pose to balance the Third Eye Chakra: Practicing headstand

Affirmations to energize the Third Eye Chakra: I trust my Intuition 

Additional affirmations: My third eye is open and I am insightful, I can manifest my ideas and dreams, I see things clearly.

How to unblock Third Eye Chakra?

Meditation brings intuitive knowledge. Sit comfortably with an elongated spine. Close your eyes and focus and connect to your Third Eye Chakra. Chant “Sham” mantra slowly. Repeat for 5 minutes. End by rubbing palms, covering eyes.

Essential oils associated with Third Eye Chakra: Sandalwood, Germanium, Bergamot, Rosemary, Lavender 


The Throat Chakra is connected to communication and self-expression. It is related to the throat, mouth, tongue, and other throat regions. It is believed that a balanced Throat Chakra supports the positive expression of inner thoughts and helps in the regulation of hormone flow.

Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha

Color: Blue 

Throat Chakra

Element: Ether

Seed Sound: HAM

Yoga Poses for Throat Chakra balance: Shoulderstand and Plough pose

Affirmations to balance the Throat Chakra: I Am Clear And Confident In My Speech

Additional Affirmations: I express myself with clarity and confidence, Communicate with respect and courage, My voice matters.

How to unblock Throat Chakra?

Meditation to help calm the mind and help us connect with our inner truth. Sit comfortably and relax your shoulders. Hands on legs; breathe naturally. Close your eyes and focus on Throat Chakra. Chant ‘Ham’ mantra for  5 minutes. End by rubbing palms, covering eyes.


The Heart Chakra is compassion, trust, passion, and love – both for oneself and for others. Feelings of anger, mistrust, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness might result from an imbalance in this chakra. Conversely, an overactive heart chakra is believed to contribute to high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and other heart-related issues.

Sanskrit name: Anahata

Color: Green 

Heart Chakra

Element: Air

Seed Sound: YAM

Yoga Poses to balance the Heart Chakra: Half Bridge and Fish Pose

Affirmations: I love my self to the fullest

Additional Affirmations to give positive energy in the Heart Chakra and purge negativity.

Value love over attachment, Worthy of love, Love all equally.

How to unblock Heart Chakra? 

Meditation to help restore proper energy flow to the Heart Chakra. Sit comfortably on the ground. Relax and lengthen spine. Repeat ‘Yam’ mantra. Feel the heart open and the energy pulse. Meditate 5 minutes. Rub palms, cover eyes.


The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with personal power, self-esteem, confidence, and the ability to channel emotions. Location is above the navel. It is believed to govern our digestive organs. Unbalanced sacral chakra can result in feelings of inadequacy, lack of direction, excessive need for control and difficulty in making decisions. By nurturing and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, you can enhance your self-worth, assertiveness, and overall sense of purpose.

Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Color: Yellow 

Solar Plexus Chakra

Element: Fire

Seed sound: RAM

Yoga Poses for the Solar Plexus Chakra alignment: Downward dog, Boat pose and Bow pose

Affirmation: I Can Create Positive Changes in My Life

Additional Affirmations in the Solar Plexus Chakra.

I am enough, I stand in my personal power, I am confident

How to unblock Solar Plexus Chakra?

Meditation to clear the Solar Plexus Chakra. Sit tall, relax your shoulders. Close eyes, breathe calmly. Chant ‘Ram’ for 5 – 15 minutes. Feel fire energy above the navel. End by rubbing palms, covering eyes.


The Sacral Chakra is responsible for sexuality, creativity, intuition, self-worth, compassion, and flexibility. Location is below the navel. Emotional imbalance and outbursts, codependency, feeling detached and less creativity could originate from an unstable chakra.

Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

Color: Orange 

Sacral Chakra

Element: Water

Seed Sound: VAM

Yoga Poses to activate the Sacral Chakra: Goddess pose, Triangle pose and Low Lunge

Affirmation: I Am Inviting Joy Into My Life

Additional Affirmations to align Sacral Chakra.

I embrace pleasures in my life, I attract people who treat me with respect, Creative energy flows through me freely

How to unblock Sacral Chakra? 

Meditation promotes positivity and energizes the Sacral Chakra. Sit comfortably, ground yourself. Relax shoulders, focus on Sacral Chakra. Chant ‘Vam’ mantra for 5 . Feel energy in the sacrum. End by rubbing palms and covering eyes.


The first chakra is located at the base of the spine The Root Chakra helps you to feel grounded and withstand challenges. When unbalanced, it can trigger deep feelings of fear and insecurity, undermining your drive to succeed and causing frustration. A balanced root chakra, on the other hand, fosters feelings of security, positivity, energy, independence, and strength.

Sanskrit Name: Muladhara

Color: Red 

Root Chakra

Element: Earth

Seed sound: LAM

Yoga Poses to balance the the Root Chakra: Tree Pose and Mountain Pose

Affirmations: I am grateful.

Additional affirmations:

I am centered and grounded, I am able to create a wonderful life, I can manifest all that I desire

How to unblock Root Chakra?

Meditation to balance your Root Chakra: Sit comfortably with a straight spine. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Focus on your Root Chakra. Chant ‘Lam’ for a few minutes. Feel the energy at your spine’s base. Rub your palms together, then cover your eyes.


Our thoughts and words are powerful. Using affirmations opens the possibility of bringing them into our energy field and the likelihood to manifest them into reality. “Each of the seven chakras is governed by principles of consciousness that we can employ to foster greater harmony and well-being in our lives.”

Chakra Spot - Affirmations